Falcons Forum

Falcons Forum

chat_bubble Falcons All A-Twitter!
The WMSPL has finally caught up to 2006 and got a Twitter account: @WhitbyMSPL. Total tweets since inception in May, 2013: Two. (Better get President Skroob on that!) Twitter is fun, so all the members of the Falcons have decided to follow suit!

Get your own damn @Twitter and follow the #shenanigans of @TownofWhitby �s favourite slo-pitch team, the @ShittyFalcons!

Doug (@Six-TwoIsntShort)
Sample Tweet: Anyone taking action on the #OshawaHighlandGames ? #notadegenerategambler

Dave (@goldenpension)
Sample Tweet: Only been retired a week and the old lady is telling me to get a job! #couchpotato

Michael (@Carbsaretheenemy)
Sample Tweet: When are the @ShittyFalcons going to switch to #GlutenFree beer? #mybodyisatemple

Chris (@RunWithYourMouthOpen)
Sample Tweet: New totes rad cleats this year! #noflipflopsforbeaver

Richard (@RichonRichCres)
Sample Tweet: I <3 Cheetos! #chipswasatvshow

Mike (@ZamPowRightinthekisser)
Sample Tweet: Anyone know of a local @GamblersAnonymous ? #brotherinlaw

Jerry (@LegendaryJerry)
Sample Tweet: Chuck Norris couldn�t even sniff my jock! #IAmLegend

(Note: Jerry�s twitter timeline seems to be nothing but tweets telling Chuck Norris to drop dead, and photos of his own junk)

Sean (@BellsBitch)
Sample Tweet: Commuting is for suckers! #gasbrakehonk #gasbrakehonk #honkhonkpunch #gasgasgas

Cas (@gram_z_moimi_kulkami)
Sample Tweet: Who�s going to #SensationCanada2014 ?!?! #OceanofWhite #Untz #Untz #UntzUntzUntz

Jeremy (@Centrefield32)
Sample Tweet: Jacked a dinger in the #WMSPLPlayoffs! #lookoutgoliath #stud #notadick

David (@DingerCrusher)
Sample Tweet: They moving the fences back this year? #Tooeasy #Tooclose #400footer

Barry (@null)
Sample Tweet: None.
Barry doesn�t have a twitter account because he can�t figure out how to turn on his computer.

Ash (@TeetsTweets)
Sample Tweet: #YeahTeets! #YeahTeets!

Bill (@NotYourBeerBitch)
Sample Tweet: My life got easier once the @ShittyFalcons couldn�t use pennies to pay for beer anymore! #bulgingpants #notfromloosechange

Junior (@GetOffMyLawn)
Sample Tweet: Goddamn neighbourhood kids! Blasting their #rapcrap! #lawrencewelkFTW

* Only one of these accounts actually exists.
Tags: None
Posted on: Monday March 10th, 2014 at 12:16PM