Falcons Forum

Falcons Forum

assignment This Should Help Our Run Differential
Tuesday 9:30PM July 2nd, 2024
Tuesday's late night matchup at K2 pitted the 4th place VP division A's against the 4th place President's division (yikes!) Falcons. Well, our +82 run differential is 2nd best in the league so we can tell ourselves we're better than our record, right?

Top of 1st saw the A's get right down to business and plate 3, after Shohei couldn't come anywhere near the plate during warmups. Thankfully the Falcons offence also got right down to business with alternating doubles and singles from Cowboy, More Handsome Jer, Grahambo and DC. A Poutine sac fly, a Miner Leaguer double, and singles from Dunner and Shohei meant a 6-3 Falcons lead after 1.

Despite being afraid to pitch to and walking fearsome cleanup hitter Doug in the top of the 2nd, Shohei settled down and the Falcons served up a delicious donut. A Grandpa Jr double and RBI from Cowboy was all the offense we'd see that inning, 7-3 Falcons.

Another delicious donut from the Falcons D was enjoyed in the top of the 3rd. Singles from Labrecque, Dunner, Shohei and Dr. J, and a second straight double from New Grandpa Bill put up 3 runs for the home team, 10-3 after three.

Shohei and the Falcons D served up their third straight delicious donut in the 4th. (Crave donuts should totally sponsor us, right?!). Cowboy led off with a double, More Likable Jer hit an RBI single, and our Fearless Leader Grahambo somehow SR3B'd with a single. Poutine cashed two with a double, Miner Leaguer singled, Sean cashed one with a double and Shohei two. That's a max 6 thank you very much, Falcons up 16-3.

The A's still had a pulse putting up a two spot in the top of the 5th. No delicious donuts for you!


Dr. J got the party started bottom 5 with a single, New Grandpa doubled, Steve "I forgot how to hit a triple" doubled, before Romancer of Soccer Moms Jer and Grahambo both RBI singled. Singles from DC, Shohei and Miner Leaguer plated 5. 21-5 Falcons after five.

Another Falcons delicious donut in the 6th. How much do sponsorships cost, old Jer? 5 straight singles from the Falcons led off the 6th, with Cowboy and Taxman each plating two runs. Grahambo RBI singled, DC walked with the bases loaded, Labrecque cashed two with a single, and Chad RBI singled. Jerome and Grandpa Bill each knocked in a run, the Taxman knocked in two with a double, and Cowboy cashed one. New Jer decided he wanted to be the first out, and the last out of the inning. Good thing he does better with the local soccer moms! Falcons plate 13 in the inning. With Shohei giving up two in the final frame, Falcons win 34-5.

- Attaboy Jerome going 5 for 5
- Labrecque with 7 RBI, Tabarnak!


Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Final
A's 3 0 0 0 2 0 1 6
Falcons 6 1 3 6 5 13 0 34

Statistical Highlights

arrow_rightMike:🔥 7
At The Plate
arrow_rightJerome:🔥 5 for 5
arrow_rightSteve:5 for 6
arrow_rightMike:🔥 4 for 4 + SF
arrow_rightChad:4 for 5
arrow_rightBill:4 for 5
arrow_rightGraham:4 for 5
arrow_rightMichael:4 for 5
arrow_rightSean:4 for 5
Team Fines
arrow_rightJeremy:  $5 for SR3B $5
arrow_rightGraham:  $5 for SR3B $5
arrow_rightMichael:  $5 for SR3B $5
arrow_rightSean:  $5 for FK $5
arrow_rightDavid:  $5 for FK $5
The team sincerely thanks you for your contributions!🤑
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Posted on: Thursday July 4th, 2024 at 6:17AM