Falcons Forum

Falcons Forum

assignment At least I didn't give up a HR to Duran
Sunday 5:00PM July 7th, 2024
Sunday's 5pm K1 matchup pitted the 1st place hated Storm against the 4th place beloved Falcons. Would the Falcons hand Storm their 2nd loss of the season? Would the Falcons match their 30 run offensive output from their last game? Would Labrecque behave with Duran and Jerome's kids in attendance? No, no and no.

Perhaps it was an omen of things to come when Flash realized 20 minutes before gametime that he didn't have his jersey or baseball pants. Oh well, his Sunday best bbq outfit will have to do.

What's the deal with the new Storm jerseys, am I right? These old ones were definitely much nicer.

The top of the first inning saw the visiting Storm put up a 3 spot. The Falcons did not exactly match with Beatty, Cowboy and Grahambo singles and a DC RBI sac fly. 3-1 bad guys after 1.

After holding Storm to a delicious donut in the 2nd, the Falcons got to work. Singles from Beatty, Flash and Jerome, RBI doubles from New Grandpa, The Taxman, and Barry Guerrero Jr, and a Grahambo RBI single would plate 5. DC stepped up to the plate with a runner on, and cranked one over the outfield fence for a 2 run HR that only scored one. Nice "Scotty", DC! Max 6 from the good guys, Falcons up 7-3.

Was that another delicious donut top of 3? Oops no that's a max-6 for Storm, that 6 on the scoresheet really looked like a 0. The Falcons answered with... shit a not so delicious donut of their own. 9-7 Storm after three.

Storm put up a 3 spot in the fourth, with the Falcons plating two behind a Cowboy RBI triple (it's about time, Steve!) and a Barry RBI single.

After a Storm 2 run 5th inning, the Falcons put up another not so delicious donuts. What happened to our bats, boys? I have no idea.

Who cares what happened the rest of the way? It's a dumb game anyways, right Grahambo? Storm would total another 5 in the 5th and 6th. Falcons would plate another 2 runs in both innings, behind a Barry RBI single in the 5th, and a Beatty RBI double in the 7th.

Storm win 19-11.

- Refresher: a "Scotty" is a HR where all the runs don't count of the max 6 limit; a "Grahambo" is a HR out since we're already at plus 3 HRs.
- I was going to lament how Beatty got on base four times and we couldn't send him home, but if I recall correctly did Mills throw him out at second after a Flash single to right center field? Don't feel bad Beatty, Mills has done that to me too!


Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Final
Storm 3 0 6 3 2 4 1 19
Falcons 1 6 0 2 0 1 1 11

Statistical Highlights

At The Plate
arrow_rightRyan:🔥 4 for 4
arrow_rightSteve:3 for 4
arrow_rightBarry:3 for 4
Team Fines
arrow_rightDavid:  $5 for FK $5
The team sincerely thanks you for your contributions!🤑
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Posted on: Monday July 8th, 2024 at 5:58PM